St Paul’s allows wide scope for the children to explore interests and to develop their knowledge and skills. Through our curriculum and attitudes to care, concern and encouragement, we strive to educate the whole child spiritually, intellectually, physically, and socially.
St Paul’s curriculum is based on AusVELS which incorporates the Australian Curriculum F-10 for English, Mathematics, History and Science. AusVELS describes what is essential for students to achieve from Years Prep to 10 in Victorian schools. It provides a whole school curriculum planning framework that sets out learning standards for schools to use to plan their teaching and learning programs, including assessment and reporting of student achievement and progress.
The Religious Education program aims to help each child develop a conscious, loving relationship with God. The children participate in various forms of personal and communal prayer each day and school liturgies and prayer celebrations are held each term.
First Reconciliation is celebrated in Year 3 and First Eucharist in Year 4. Confirmation is received in Year 6.
Five dimensions of Mathematics are taught from Year Prep - 6
Working Mathematically
Measurement, Chance and Data
A two hour literacy block operates each morning across the Junior school (Prep-2). During this time students are involved in various tasks and are grouped for intensive, focused teaching sessions that target their literacy needs.
Is an intensive one –to –one literacy intervention program run by a specially trained teacher to further support students whose reading and writing skills need further development in Year One.
Once the basic skills have been successfully established, the children learn to be critical thinkers, to reflect on what they have read and to make meaning of text. They use many different kinds of texts to learn about reading and writing and how it works, and how to use reading and writing effectively in their learning.
There are more than 180 networked desktop and laptop/notebook computers at St Paul’s. The majority of classrooms have at least five networked computers with internet and intranet access. There is also a purpose built computer lab/eLearning centre which whole classes use regularly.
Students are taught skills which will enable them to use ICT as a tool to enhance learning.
ICT/Digital Technologies is integrated into the everyday curriculum in all classes. All classrooms have new Interactive Projector technology and access to iPads, and the Year 3 - 6 students have access to Notebooks and Chromeboooks. Classes use a variety of technologies to assist with their learning.
Each year, children undertake integrated, inquiry based units of work to develop essential ideas from the disciplines of history, geography and economics. Knowledge and skills from many different domains are used and further developed in this way.
Science is taught within integrated, inquiry based units of work and also through ‘stand-alone’ units.
Phys Ed is taught by a specialist Teacher from Years Prep – 6 A wide variety of activities such as ball handling skills, major and minor games, dance and athletics are covered by this program. Training for inter school competition is also offered.
St Paul’s belongs to the Bentleigh District Primary School Sport Association. A wide variety of sports such as netball, basketball, softball, rounders, cricket, football, soccer, volleyball, athletics and swimming are part of the interschool sport program.
Performing Arts, including Dance, Drama and Music is taught by a specialist teacher in Years Prep-6.
Instrumental lessons are also available after school and these are offered by a private provider, Creative Music for Schools.
The Asian Studies program begins in Yr 1. At present, children in Years 1-6 are learning about the culture and language of Japan.
You Can Do It! Is a personal development program taught from Years Prep - 6. The program teaches positive habits of mind and actively promotes the development of confidence and resilience in young people. Detailed information about the Victorian Essential Learning Standards can be obtained from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority using the following link.