
St Paul’s exists to provide for the integrated education of Catholic children living in the Parish

Enrolments for Prep in the following year open in the Catholic Education Week in March of the year before children commence school. Enrolment Forms are available on our Open Day which is advertised on this website, in the Parish Bulletin and on Billboards around the school.

Please call the School on 9557 7130 to organsie a Tour and meet the Principal.

General Enrolment Information

As a Catholic Parish School, built and supported by the parish community, St Paul’s exists to provide for the integrated education of Catholic children living in the Parish. While St Paul’s welcomes applications from all families seeking enrolment at the school, the following guidelines are used in the allocation of places each year. 

Click here for the MACS Enrolment Policy

1. Priority is given to...

Siblings of children already attending St Paul’s. Baptised Catholic children residing within the parish. 

2. Consideration is then given to...

Baptised Catholic children residing outside the parish boundary but whose parents have good reason for seeking enrolment at St Paul’s. 

3. Where possible, consideration is then given to...

Children from other faith traditions, or with no religious affiliation, whose parents wish them to receive a Catholic education at St Paul’s. The availability of places for families in Categories 2 and 3 necessarily depends on demand from families in Category 1 and this varies from year to year. Families in Categories 2 and 3 are advised to attach a letter to the application, stating reasons for seeking enrolment at St Paul’s. 

Parish Boundaries

Every family lives within a parish and every Catholic family receives priority for enrolment in their residential parish school. Maps of St Paul’s parish are available at the School Office, and via the link on this page, for families who are uncertain of their parish of residence.

Relocation Enrolments

Families relocating from overseas, interstate or elsewhere in Victoria face significant challenges. While families have some idea of the area/s in which they want to live, they may need to locate and enrol in suitable schools before committing to a particular residence or address. To support relocating families, St Paul’s offers enrolment, where available, to families who intend to live in the area, even though they may not be able to locate a residence within the parish. 

Overseas Enrolments

There are many different Australian visa classes. Children entering Australia with their parents may or may not be entitled to Commonwealth government funding of their education. Parents considering enrolment at St Paul’s should first contact us to clarify their visa class. St Paul’s does not accept enrolment of students from overseas who would be assessed by the Australian Government as Full Fee Paying Overseas Students.

Student Visas

St Paul’s is unable to enrol any student from overseas who will be in Australia on a Student Visa. Information about Catholic schools registered for this purpose may be obtained by phoning the Catholic Education Office Melbourne on 9267 0228. 

Prep Enrolments

Prep places can only be applied for, and offered, in the year prior to commencement. In Victoria, children must be 5 years or older by 30 April of their Prep year, in order to commence school. Parents unsure of their child’s developmental readiness for school should seek advice from the child’s Pre-School setting prior to seeking advice from St Paul’s School. Parents may remain uncertain of their child’s readiness, particularly where the child will be younger than their peers. In this instance, and to assist parents in making the best decision for their child, accepted places can be deferred until the following year. Applicant families will be asked to attend an interview with the Principal and enrolment offers will commence in early June. An Enrolment Acceptance fee will be payable on acceptance of a place by families. 


Copies of the following documents MUST accompany the Enrolment Application Form.

  • Birth Certificate
  • Baptismal Certificate, if Catholic and baptised in another parish.
  • Passport /Visa/ evidence of Australian residency status where applicable
  • School entry immunisation certificate

St Paul's Enrolment Form.pdf