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Catherine's News Term 4 Week 2
Dear Parents,
Welcome back. There was a wonderful buzz around the school this morning as students arrived with big smiles carrying heavy red bags!
We are so excited about the Term 4 Roadmap and the detours we have planned to ensure safety, wellbeing, learning and celebrations.
A few Reminders:
Morning Drop Off Options
There will be two start times at the beginning of the day. All students will go straight to their classrooms on arrival.
- 8.40am Students whose surname begins with the letters A-L
- 8.55am Students whose surname begins with the letters M-Z
All Preps and siblings will continue to enter the school through the Riddle St gate. This entrance can also be used by students who live nearby regardless of Year level.
All other students who walk or are dropped off in Higgins Rd enter through the large gates at the front of the school.
Students riding bikes or scooters are asked to enter via the driveway down the side of the Church.
Students will not be temperature checked on arrival as recommended by CECV.
Afternoon Pick Up Options
There will be three end of school dismissal times.
- 3.15pm Students who are riding bikes /scooters or walking home will be dismissed first.
- 3.20pm Students who are being collected by car from Higgins Rd. If you are parking in Higgins Rd in front of the park and beyond, please stay with your car but stand on the footpath so that we can walk your child to the crossing and send them down to you. This will minimise the number of adults gathering along the footpath. Riddle St -Preps and their siblings for car pickup and local walkers will leave through Riddle Street gate. Parents are asked to display their surname on their passenger side visor and remain in their cars.
- 3.25pm Hall Drive through from Higgins Rd. To facilitate drive through arrangements for the afternoon pick up we ask that all parents write their surname in large print and attach it to the drivers side sun visor. This will help staff to quickly recognise the family collecting their child as they arrive.
- *A reminder that there are is no right-hand turn onto Jasper Rd from the church driveway or from Higgins Road gate.
Parents are asked not to gather for ‘catch ups’ at the school entrances.
If you are unwell please stay at home
Within our school community we have staff members, students and families who have health issues which make them more vulnerable during a pandemic crisis. We continue to give the message to all families and staff to stay home if you are unwell. This is the single most important thing we can do to support a strong and healthy community.
Friday - Just for Fun
The Yr 6 Leaders would like to jazz up Fridays with a special theme each week. This Friday children wear their uniform (sports if a sports day) but can choose a favourite hat that they have, or they might even like to decorate a hat to wear on the day. Enjoy!
Playground Activities
New resources that promote team building, curiosity, investigations and fun!
I hope you all enjoy a quieter home environment this week.
Even with the most introverted of us the period of lockdown is beginning to wear off. But last Sunday I was able to go to the Botanic Gardens as it falls in the 5km radius allowance.
Firstly, Sunday was so beautiful. A typical Melbourne Spring day. The blue sky above the wonderful trees and plants was an image of the beautiful God we love.
It was just wonderful to see so many people enjoying the sun whilst they ate, drank, laughed and slept.
Two people caught my eyes.
The first was a small boy in a wheel chair, who I think had some form of cystic fibrosis (but I am not a doctor) and the second was a woman who was either the boy’s mother or carer.
The LOVE they showed towards each other moved me to tears.
The care that this woman gave to the boy as she helped him out of his chair. The massaging of the feet she gave him. The hugs they gave each other. The laughter and excitement on each person was so beautiful. At one point the boy walked in his particular way to another couple who were hugging each other. They stopped and acknowledged the boy with waves and voice greetings. It brought smiles to many people.
I am a great believer that there are blessings in disasters.
I experienced a blessing on Sunday. If one thing I have learned from this time it is the realisation I can rejoice in the smallest of things. Being able to focus on the plants which have begun to show their new leaves and the smiles and laughter of people are two things which brings energy to my heart, which at times has struggled with lockdown.
God is still so ever present. Yes, at times we have to work harder to find God. But God is still present.
On Sunday I saw God!
Edward Dooley (Mission and Faith Leader)
These are the days that each year level wear their sports uniform to school.
Prep: Wednesday and Friday
Year 1: Monday and Friday
Year 2B: Tuesday and Wednesday
Year 2H: Tuesday and Friday
Year 3AW: Tuesday and Friday
Year 3K: Tuesday and Thursday
Year 4: Wednesday and Friday
Year 5: Monday and Friday
Year 6H: Thursday and Friday
Year 6W: Tuesday and Thursday
Food For Thought Tuckshop News
It was so great to see everyone back at school today! The tuckshop will be open on a Wednesday and Friday until the end of Term.
To minimise contact with students there will be no over the counter service or brain food.
All orders must be made through Quickcliq
Thanks for your support
Book Club flyers have been sent home this week. Any orders must be placed online only. No cash payments please. Orders are open until Monday 26th October.
Thank you :)
We are unable to open the second hand uniform as normal but you can email through to Anna what you are after. Please email on with your order and we will let you know if it is available. Payment can be made on card or cash and that can be worked out when you order is ready.
Any donations of second hand uniform are most appreciated. They can be dropped to the school by coming to the Higgins Rd gate and calling the office.
Thank you.