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Catherine's News Term 4 Week 1
Dear Parents,
A very warm welcome back to all our families from P-Yr 6. It feels like many months since we have all been together onsite and I would like to thank you again for your continued support and endurance during 2020.
With a ten week term ahead, our priorities for students returning will be focused on Wellbeing and Equity, Learning and Excellence and Transitions.
I believe there is cause for optimism as we see the cases of Covid 19 decrease across Melbourne and we begin to imagine possibilities for the remainder of the year.
Roadmap to Wellbeing and Positive Detours
The following is a slideshow outlining the plan for Term 4.
Roadmap to Wellbeing & Positive Detours- Please click on link
A great Resource:
Returning to School Tips for Parents - Please click on link
Learning and Excellence
In Term 4 the Curriculum focus will be on Literacy and Numeracy with a priority of supporting all students, at their point of need. Teachers will use a range of formative assessment tools to modify and plan for effective teaching and learning activities. Timely and effective feedback will continue to activate students into understanding the next step in their learning. A written report will be provided at the end of Term 4 with a description of what has been taught, reporting progress and achievement for student learning in key areas.
The students in P-2 will engage in Exploration afternoons, supporting engagement and team building activities where they will experience a variety of learning environments.
All students will have the opportunity to meet their teacher for next year through ‘Meet the Teacher’ afternoons.
Year 5 students will participate in a leadership program ‘Aspire’ where they will discover the opportunities for leadership next year.
The Year 6 students will have opportunities to engage with their high schools, either onsite or through virtual meetings.
The Yr 4 students will begin to prepare to be buddies to the new Preps, understanding the responsibilities and joy in being a buddy.
Students in all other year levels will also prepare for a change of teacher and new classrooms.
This also includes finding contextually appropriate ways to conduct orientations and end of year celebrations.
Returning of materials and devices
Monday 12 October - school devices including ipads and chromebooks that have been on loan during Remote learning to be returned with charging cords in the red bags for safety. Students are asked not to ride their bikes when returning devices. Students also return their pencil cases on Monday.
Tuesday 13 October - Library books and pencil cases to be returned
Wednesday 14 October - work books that have and reading material to be returned
Thank you for your response in getting all materials returned promptly.
Keeping students and staff safe and healthy
- During the return to school we are asking parents not to come onto the school grounds unless you have made an appointment through the Office.
- If your child is late for school please call the Office on arrival and a staff member will meet you at the front gate.
- If your child is coughing or has flu like symptoms please do not send them to school.
- If your child becomes unwell at school you will be contacted to collect them as soon as possible. Please call the Office when you arrive and your child will be brought out to the front gate.
- The sick bay will be thoroughly wiped down after each use.
- All students will have their own table and chair, labelled for use each day.
- Students will use hand sanitizer on arrival to any learning area or after using shared materials such as books in the Library, devices and sports equipment.
- Children will be encouraged not to share pencils, scissors, glue sticks, textas, crayons.
- The cleaning contractors will be on site 2 times a day to ensure high touch points and students desks are wiped down regularly.
- Distancing between cohorts will be managed throughout the day by accessing different entries and exit points to classrooms.
- Learning support Officers (LSO’s) will be assigned to a class rather than moving between classes.
- Lunch and snack times will be staggered.
- Children will eat outside when possible.
- Students bring in their own roll-on sunscreen.
- Primary aged students are not required to wear masks.
Morning Drop Off Options
There will be two start times at the beginning of the day. All students will go straight to their classrooms on arrival.
- 8.40am Students whose surname begins with the letters A-L
- 8.55am Students whose surname begins with the letters M-Z
All Preps and siblings will continue to enter the school through the Riddle St gate. This entrance can also be used by students who live nearby regardless of Year level.
All other students who walk or are dropped off in Higgins Rd enter through the large gates at the front of the school.
Students riding bikes or scooters are asked to enter via the driveway down the side of the Church.
Students will not be temperature checked on arrival as recommended by CECV.
Afternoon Pick Up Options
There will be three end of school dismissal times.
- 3.15pm Students who are riding bikes /scooters or walking home will be dismissed first.
- 3.20pm Students who are being collected by car from Higgins Rd. If you are parking in Higgins Rd in front of the park and beyond, please stay with your car but stand on the footpath so that we can walk your child to the crossing and send them down to you. This will minimise the number of adults gathering along the footpath. Riddle St -Preps and their siblings for car pickup and local walkers will leave through Riddle Street gate. Parents are asked to display their surname on their passenger side visor and remain in their cars.
- 3.25pm Hall Drive through from Higgins Rd. To facilitate drive through arrangements for the afternoon pick up we ask that all parents write their surname in large print and attach it to the drivers side sun visor. This will help staff to quickly recognise the family collecting their child as they arrive.
- *A reminder that there are is no right-hand turn onto Jasper Rd from the church driveway or from Higgins Road gate.
Parents are asked not to gather for ‘catch ups’ at the school entrances.
If you are unwell please stay at home.
Within our school community we have staff members, students and families who have health issues which make them more vulnerable during a pandemic crisis. We continue to give the message to all families and staff to stay home if you are unwell. This is the single most important thing we can do to support a strong and healthy community.
Term Calendar
As we continue to move forward with some uncertainty, the Term 4 Calendar has been updated . Please continue to check it regularly as some events will be added as we navigate the next stages of restrictions.
Term 4 events we are still to make a decision on include:
Prep Orientation
Prep Information Night
Swimming Program
Big Day Out - Year 6 (BDO will go ahead when we have more information re restrictions)
School Closure Days:
Friday 23rd October: Grand Final Eve Public Holiday
Monday 2 November Melbourne Cup Weekend
Tuesday 3rd November Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Friday 27 November Planning Day for 2021
Term Newsletters
Term 4 Newsletters will be sent out to families in Week 3.
New Staff
Mark Ross, an LSO, is taking leave for the remainder of the year. Mark will be replaced by Nick Lawrence and Annabelle Eastman who will be working in Year 5. We warmly welcome them to our staff.
Term 4 will be a critical time for re-engagement of students, the re-establishment of school routines and undertaking the steps necessary to prepare for and complete a successful and safe end of 2020. Our prayers, thoughts and best wishes are with all our families and the school community.
Warm Regards,
Dear Parents,