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Catherine's News Term 2 Week 7
Dear Parents,
A very warm welcome to the Year Prep - 2 students and families as we move from remote teaching back to classrooms and face to face teaching.
We look forward to welcoming the Year 3-6 students in a few weeks.
Important information for all parents:
- During the return to school we are asking parents not to come onto the school grounds unless you have made an appointment through the Office.
- If your child is late for school please call the Office on arrival and a staff member will meet you at the front gate
- If your child is coughing or has flu like symptoms please do not send them to school
- If your child becomes unwell at school you will be contacted to collect them as soon as possible. Please call the Office when you arrive and your child will be brought out to the front gate.
- The sick bay will be thoroughly wiped down after each use
- All students will have their own table and chair, labelled for use each day
- Students will use hand sanitizer on arrival to any learning area or after using shared materials such as books in the Library, devices and sports equipment
- Children will not be sharing pencils, scissors, glue sticks, textas, crayons
- The cleaning contractors will be on site 3 times a day to ensure high touch points and students desks are wiped down regularly
- To facilitate drive through arrangements for the afternoon pick up at the Hall, we ask that all parents write their surname in large print and attach it with elastic bands to the drivers side sun visor. This will help staff to quickly recognise the family collecting their child as they arrive for Hall Drive Through.
- If you are parking in Higgins Rd in front of the park and beyond, please stay with your car but stand on the footpath so that we can walk your child at the crossing and send them down to you. This will minimise the number of adults gathering along the footpath. Staff will also be stationed along the footpath.
- Students who are gathering in the Hall for Hall Drive through collection, will line up with their class, two meters apart from the next class to encourage distancing between cohorts
- Distancing between cohorts will be managed throughout the day by accessing different entries and exit points to classrooms
- There will be separate play areas for each grade at snack and lunch
- Learning support Officers (LSO’s) will be assigned to a class rather than moving between classes.
All these procedures will be in place for the return to school for Prep- Yr 2 students only.
New procedures will be in place, including staggered drop offs and pick ups and staggered lunch and snack times, when all students are on site on 9 June. These procedures will be communicated to parents closer to the time.
An email will be sent out to parents at the end of Tuesday with any change of arrangements.
Please email or call the office, not the classroom teachers re any changes to picking up of your children that may occur.
Thank you for your support. Our priority is to ensure all students, staff and parents are safe as we return to school from remote learning on Tuesday.
This information has also been sent out in Caremonkey - please respond to this Caremonkey request as soon as possible and by tomorrow at the latest if you can. This will be a great help in organising tomorrow's afternoon pick up.
Best Wishes,
Sport Uniform Days for Yrs Prep - 2 for this week
The timetable will vary from week to week for the coming few weeks. Sports uniform is to be worn on the following days this week:
Prep: Thursday
Yr 1: Tuesday and Friday
Yr 2: Tuesday and Friday
Financial Assistance through CSEF (Camps, Swimming, Excursions Fund)
Some families may have recently experienced changes in financial circumstances and now be eligible for CSEF. This fund is available if you hold a valid means-tested concession card issued either on the first day of Term one or on the first day of Term two (April 14)
Applications close on June 26 (end of this term)
Check with Anna or Mary if you are unsure. An application form can be sent to you, but it will need your urgent attention so that it can be processed by the end of this term.
The Library will be open from 10:30 - 2:30pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the mext two weeks for children in Years 3 - 6 to return and borrow library books. All gates to the school will be locked so please call the office when you arrive and we will meet your child and bring them into the library.
The Second Hand Uniform Shop will be next open on Monday 1st June at 9:30am. You will need to call the office to enter the school and Anna will coordinate the process of attending the uniform shop in small numbers.
Donations are always welcome and can be dropped to the office.