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Catherine's News Term 2 Week 5
Dear Parents,
Happy Mothers Day! While the rolling back of coronavirus restrictions came too late for Mother's Day, I hope you and your families came up with creative ways to celebrate. We were on the beach by 7am enjoying a family walk with so many other families, enjoying a coffee and an egg and bacon roll. I hope you enjoyed breakfast in bed, lots of cuddles and home made cards and the opportunity to stop and be grateful for our mothers. What a special gift it is! We also remember and pray for all those who have lost their mothers.
The last few weeks of flexible and remote learning have been challenging for everyone in education. It has been a difficult period for teachers, students and families as we have all adjusted to new ways of learning and teaching. The transition has not been an easy one at times for families or teachers, but where we have been successful, it is because parents and carers are partners in achieving learning outcomes.
So, I wanted to take this opportunity on behalf of the school and our teaching staff, to offer my thanks for the support you have provided during this transition.
I have been inspired by the commitment and energy shown by parents and teachers in educating our students, and this is reflected in the innovative and creative ways we have come together to ensure continuity of education.
Last week staff collaborated to make a video to send out to families to reinforce the sense of community that we all feel at this time. We were inundated with emails from families who wanted to express their gratitude for the joy that it brought to their children. Your generous emails were shared with all the staff, who were in turn, energised by your messages of support. This simple act demonstrates that we are meeting the challenge of remote learning together, through strengthening the partnership between the school and our community. I believe that our support for each other will sustain us through the learning and teaching of the weeks to come.
One of the many challenges of remote learning has been the teaching of RE. Religious Education at St Paul's, has for some years now, been taught through an inquiry method. St Paul's has worked hard to implement the new RE Framework introduced by Catholic Education Melbourne in 2017 and approved late 2019. During this difficult time Staff have given their students practical tasks to help them continue their Faith journey. One of these ways was the liturgy sent last week and I hope all families had a chance to sit together and pray as a family unit.
While maintaining the curriculum areas of Literacy and Numeracy during remote learning, we encourage parents to find time to pray together as a family and develop routines of expressing gratitude that we are all safe and well. Students who will be receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation have the additional challenge of working through booklets. Although the booklet would be linked more to the classroom it is a simple way to learn through prayer and activities what the Sacraments are about. It is a start, a beginning. When we return to the formal classroom we will be able to deepen our learning through the reflection day and other classroom learning.
The Library is open again this week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, for returns and borrowing between 10am and 2:30pm. If parents can wait outside the office door and send your child/children through to the office that would be greatly appreciated.
St Paul’s and its staff are here for you and, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us as we are available to help during this challenging period.
Today the Premier Daniel Andrews, announced that schools in Victoria will be transitioning back to face to face teaching during Term 2. He did not disclose any details which he said will be communicated over the next few days.
Yours sincerely