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Dear Families,
What a fantastic afternoon it was at our Welcome Picnic! A huge thank you to the Parents and Friends for organising such a beautiful celebration. It was heartwarming to see all the families come together to enjoy the fun-filled activities, including face painting, a delicious sausage sizzle, exciting games and of course an unforgettable dance party! It was the perfect way to kick off the year, with laughter, fun and a sense of community. We are grateful for everyone who helped make it such a special event!

This is a reminder that under no circumstances are cars to be driving up and down the Church driveway for pick up or drop off.
As mentioned many times in the past, this is a pedestrian thoroughfare and it is far too dangerous to have vehicles doing Uturns, parking and reversing in this area before and after school.
We trust you will understand how important this safety issue is to protect pedestrians and children on bikes and scooters.
There are many parking bays in Higgins Rd for parents to park and walk their children to and from school. Please be aware of the red parking zones near the crossing, which are not to be used for parking between 8 - 9:30am and 2:30 - 4pm on school days.
Riddle Street parking outside the Tennis Courts is a drop off zone only. Parents are asked not to park and exit their vehicle; this is a “kiss-and-go” drop off point.
In the interests of keeping everyone safe, especially the students, and to keep traffic flowing, parents are asked to NOT make U-turns here. Whilst there are a great deal of road works and blockages in and around the school at the moment, we do ask that you please continue driving along Riddle Street, rather than trying to turn around. We thank you for your understanding with this, as we try to create a safe drop off and pick up zone for the students.
Open Day
St Paul's Open Day is Thursday, 27th March from 9:30am to 11 am. Current families can enrol their child for Prep 2026 on this day.
Book Club
Just a reminder that the cut off for Book Club will be on the 11th March and all orders are online.
Upcoming Dates to note
Wednesday 12 March - NAPLAN begins (Year 3 and 5)
Friday 14 March - Second hand uniform shop open 8.30-9.15am
Monday 17 March to Wednesday 19 March - Year 6 camp, Phillip Island
Friday 21 March - Harmony Day
Friday 21 March - Reconciliation Reflection Day
Friday 28 March - House Cross Country Years 3 to 6
Friday 4 April - Colour Blast. 2.30 Dismissal
Term 2 Dates: Tuesday 22 April - Friday 4 July
Term 3 Dates: Monday 21 July - Friday 19 September
Term 4 Dates: Monday 6 October - Tuesday 16 December
Enjoy your week ahead everyone.
Kind regards,
Margy D'Rozario
Last Friday, we held our first SRC meeting, where the students came up with some fantastic ideas for celebrating Harmony Day on Friday 21st March as a whole school. It was wonderful to see the SRC discuss with the Canteen to brainstorm what could be sold for Harmony Day. Let’s just say the Canteen was very impressed and excited to move forward with the students' brilliant ideas.Absent: Will Gray
Message from our School Captains
Hi, we are Olivia, Ava, Eli and Lucas, and we are so excited to be your School Captains for 2025!
We would love to share some fun facts about us!
- Eli plays competition tennis
- Lucas is from Ireland
- Olivia loves gymnastics and swimming
- Ava likes sports
This year as school captains we’re looking forward to doing some school tours and bringing positive moods to our wonderful school.
We are looking forward to the upcoming school photos, Harmony Day and Colour Run!
All the best from your 2025 School Captains,
Eli, Lucas, Oliva and Ava.
Message from our Library Captains
Hi Everyone,
Our names are Chelsea, Lucy and Ben, and we are your Library Leaders for 2025
The Library is open on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursday during the second half of lunch.
If your child needs some quiet time from the playground they can come and join us in the library. There are many activities they can do which include drawing, reading and colouring in.
Thank you for your support,
Chelsea, Lucy and Ben
Message from our Sport Captains
Hi my name is Malu and this is Pia. We are your Sports Captains for 2025. We have been lucky to have this opportunity to write something in the newsletter.
Week 5 Interschool Sports at St Pauls has been very successful. See below for the scores.
Cricket |
St P 44- M 72 |
Basketball |
Girls St P 48- M 4 Boys St P 68- M 18 Mixed St P 42- M 34 |
Softball |
Girls St P 15- M 13 Boys St P 14- M 20 |
Volleyball |
Girls St P 25- B 17 Mixed St P 42- M 50 Stars St P 20-M 30 |
Flag Rugby |
Girls St P 6- M 4 Boys St P 4- M 12 |
Week 6 was a Bye for St Paul’s. We look forward to playing St Peter’s this week.
Written by Malu and Pia.
St Paul’s Annual Easter Raffle
We are holding our St Paul's Annual Easter raffle on Monday the 31st of March, which will be the last assembly of the term. The selling of raffle tickets will commence Monday the 24th of March and finish on Friday the 28th of March (Week 9).
The money raised from the selling of tickets will be put towards Caritas, Australia (Project Compassion).
We ask that students and families bring chocolates and Easter goods starting from Week 7, Thursday the 13th of March until Week 9, Friday the 28th of March. In the mornings, there will be Year 6 Leaders at the school gates collecting the delicious treats in baskets.
This year St Paul’s will also continue the tradition of creating a few hampers to be donated to families within the Bentleigh community, who would benefit greatly from an Easter hamper during this holiday period.
Thank you for your support.
Stephanie Allen
Year 1 Classroom Teacher
Please clink on the link below for the Colour Blast information and Fundraising.
Bentleigh District Swimming Carnival 2025
On Tuesday the 25th February, St. Paul’s entered a team of 25 swimmers to compete at the Bentleigh District Swimming Carnival at the Oakleigh Recreation Centre. We had a great result with St. Paul’s winning the Adjusted Point Shield which is awarded to schools based on their number of students. The children represented St. Paul’s in a manner that should make us all feel extremely proud. They did their best in their events and they cheered and encouraged others as they swam. A special thanks to Oliver Santamera, Andrew Bath and Ella Ronchi who assisted on the day. Six students from St. Paul’s have been selected to go on and compete in 6 events at the Beachside Division Swimming Carnival on the 7th March at the same venue.
They are:
Hudson Grima - Open Boys Medley
Louis Hall - Open Boys Medley /9/10y Freestyle Relay / 9/10y 50m Freestyle (Bentleigh Record - 35.92 sec) and 50m Backstroke
Mason Wiley - Open Boys Medley / 11y 50m Freestyle and 50m Backstroke
Jack Skinner - Open Boys Medley /9/10y Freestyle Relay / 9/10y 50m Breaststroke
Jack Burgess - 9/10y Freestyle Relay / 9/10y 50m Butterfly
Francis Baker - 9/10y Freestyle Relay
A special mention also needs to go to Mason Wiley, Louis Hall, Sloane Zalcman and Rani Mercieca who came second in the Golden Goggles Relay which is the fastest 2 boys and 2 girls in each school. Unfortunately this event doesn’t progress to Division.
We wish all the children the best and congratulate them on a fantastic achievement.
Danny Maher